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Collaboration in evaluation  
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What is the Covaluator Network?

The Covaluator Network is an informal collaboration of evaluation consultants who share a particular approach to evaluation, based on the following principles.

  • Evaluations are conducted in a way that is ethical and respectful of those being evaluated—with particular deference given to worldviews of other cultures;
  • Evaluation methods are designed to fit the context in which they are carried out—in most cases, evaluations draw on evidence from multiple sources, and tools always reflect the purpose and intent of the evaluation.
  • Evaluation processes are as participatory and collaborative as practicable, engaging stakeholders so that outputs are owned by those being evaluated;
  • Evaluation outputs result in learning that leads to change for the better—they have utility for all key stakeholders (funder, evaluands and the broader community);
  • Findings are communicated to evaluands as well as to funders, and  the results of evaluations are disseminated as widely as possible so that learnings can be applied to other contexts.

Current network members focus on research and evaluating interventions relating to:

  • Remote and Indigenous issues;
  • Education, training, adult and professional learning;
  • Children and families;
  • Innovative methodologies;
  • Child protection, family and domestic violence;
  • Community development and social inclusion.




The purpose of the network is to support discussion and mutual learning among like-minded individuals practising in a field that can often be isolating and/or competitive. The website enables those in different parts of Australia – and potentially outside it - to share learnings and to discuss issues related to evaluation principles and practice, including innovative methodologies, The website also promotes quality evaluation by providing a forum for public dissemination..

Membership of the network is open to all evaluators who subscribe to the principles above and are willing to contribute a downloadable publication free of charge, for dissemination on this web site. The Network will arrange for peer review of all articles..

For more information send us an email or phone us in Australia on 0412 125 661 or internationally on 61 412 125 661 .